Temporary mute/disable channels

mallej commented
Mute this chat for...
1 hour
8 hours
1 day
1 week
AlwaysThis is how it works with Signal. WhatsApp has something similar.
Very helpful when a topic in your group is uninteresting or the notifications are annoying. -
Annie Beaulieu commented
That would be very useful for 'skipping' a conversation with a certain topic for a while.
Maaged Mazyek commented
would be super helpful
Moldovan Ioan commented
I support this idea. I would like to be able to set up a timer when I mute a channel, so it expires in 1h, 2h, 8h, or even custom intervals in the next 24h. This will disable all notifications during a certain period of time, but will "return" me to the channel after the notification storm has passed.
Ivan Tishchenko commented
Completely agree! I NEED this feature. If some conversation starts in a channel, and I am interested to know what's the conclusion, but not going to participate -- just want to review it after some time and do not want to be notified "new message" every few seconds. For now there is not way other than mute the channel (one of 50+ channels I have) and then later on -- do not forget to unmute it! If we had an ability to "mute channel for 1hr/2hrs/8hrs/1day/1week" -- it would be just perfect for such scenarios. (Happens quite often to me.)
Wolfram Soyka commented
What about the temporary part tho? 4.9 allows per channel muting, but has to be unmuted manually. The current implementation as far as I can see doesn't allow me to mute a channel for a week, x hours or y days and auto unmute afterwards?