mobile client SSL authentication
It would be greate to add client SSL authentication support in Android application (and other mobile application that don't use a regular browser).

Josh Brodie commented
Support for external browser SSO doesn't seem to solve the problem of the Android client not supporting mutual TLS/client SSL authentication.
If the application is started and the URL for a server which mandates mutual TLS is entered into the "Enter Server URL" interface, the connection still fails.
That is correct, as of mobile version 1.40 ( you can now change the OAuth / SAML login flow to utilize an external browser instead of the web view.
(Edited by admin) -
Ben Bodenmiller commented
Appears this issue has been addressed as of 1.40!
Changed the OAuth / SAML login flow to utilize an external browser instead of the WebView in the Mobile App.
Sándor Berczi commented
derHenk commented
Anonymous commented
Could we please get an update from mattermost on this?
Saiful Islam commented
Without this feature Mattermost is not going to be approved as a ChatOps tool in our organisation.
Ralf Bardoel commented
Most competitors are offering this feature, for us it's also a must have. Please note that only enabling a client certificate or incorporating the local certificate store is required, this does not involve CBA (client based authentication). Furthermore, this feature is relatively easy to implement (, has a lot of votes and is requested since 2016.
Robert Grumann commented
really important for us. currentyl we are using hipchat which is supporting it, but we must switch and chosed now mattermost.
really wondering why this functionality is not already existing +++++++
Martin Zichacek commented
iphone, android, at least. thanks
Monika Panpaliya commented
Please get WSSO (Single Sign-On) feature on Mattermost soonest.
Michael Pickett commented
I believe this issue should be called something like "mutual tls auth", which is really about the client supporting mutual TLS at the protocol level (which android/ios will already support) - no changes would be required to mattermost itself:
Without this feature, mattermost is DOA at our company. Its use will never be widespread, and we will never purchase an enterprise license unless it includes this capability.
Anonymous commented
It would be very nice to have this security feature. Thank you.
Elvis Stansvik commented
I opened a GitHub issue [1] for this but was told this was the place where this issue is tracked.
Would just like to repeat a comment I made there: "To Mattermost devs: See this [2] comment for what needs to be done, until this [3] React Native feature request is taken care of."
[3] -
Elvis Stansvik commented
Our Mattermost instance is also on a server that perform SSL client certificate verification. At the moment we can't connect using the Android app because of this, so would be great if it could be fixed.
Bryan commented
Client Authentcation via Software Certificate is a must in my market!
Khalid commented
Please add iPhone ssl client certificate authentication support.
Jeffrey Erlich commented
yes. i just added SSL to my mattermost server and it breaks the iOS app. please fix this ASAP.