FreeBSD support
It would be great it mattermost is supported in FreeBSD.
I think in order to support more OS, specially BSD unixes, mattermost should not depend from Docker.
For instance Docker doesn't well supported on FreeBSD.

Philip commented
there is a FreeBSD port now: /
Anonymous commented
still no progress?
Julien commented
any update on this ?
Gene Washington-Smith commented
Hi. I am very new here, but am an experienced FreeBSD user/installer/support tech. I am very interested in Mattermost on FreeBSD and would be willing to help if I can with testing, etc. I have not been involved heretofore in building new ports but am in a learning phase with that. Mostly just wanted to give a double "thumbs up" to the idea and offer any help that I could. Thanks.
Knut commented
would love FreeBSD support too!
Hi @hans, per our contribution guide, before a pull request can be accepted with need an APR ticket opened, and we can't open one for FreeBSD without "Criteria #3", which is volunteers willing to test, document, support and maintain changes:
@georg, sorry, we definitely don't mean to discourage contributions. We've just had problems in the past with people submitting one-time contributions of new functionality without documentation, verification and fixes, that couldn't be supported by regular volunteers, and it caused a lot of issues that hurt the rest of the project.
Adding the APR process helps address this issue.
Georg Hartmann commented
@hans It only needs a little change to the makefile, but they are not willing to accept work already done by others:
Lars E commented
@anonymous: There will not be Docker support in FreeBSD 11. There was a proof of concept, but Docker is too linux-centric to work properly on FreeBSD.
huber.p commented
+3 for Freebsd
Just build mattermost without docker and everything else will follow.
Hans commented
Would love to see Mattermost on FreeBSD!
What are the current things that needs to be done for it to be able to run on FreeBSD?
Anonymous commented
Docker support is coming in FreeBSD11, but I agree that a port would make more sense. Admins can use jails if they need to.
Mathias Dalheimer commented
+1 for FreeBSD support!
Anonymous commented
I've talked my team into testing a move to FreeBSD. It would be tough to have to start using something else, but we're interested using FreeBD from here on out and everything else that we use will work on it.
P.S. Devs: I love the work that you guys have done so far!