Add Mumble/Murmur voice integration.
Add Mumble/Murmur voice integration.
Murmur is the server component of Mumble, and is lightweight, with highly configurable options and good encryption and voice quality. I think it could really be a powerful voice integration to consider, as it has an easier to use interface than say, Jitsi. Voice inside mattermost would make it a Discord killer imho.

Steffen commented
If it is Mumur or something more complicated, both is fine. But the ease of integrated voice in times like this is a killer feature which is missing.
Homeoffice and Slack work, you klick the phone button. Discord has Voice. RocketChat has Voice integration. So what about Mattermost?
Personally I prefer Mumur for voice as it works with low latency and needs minimal resources.
Carlos Paz commented
URGENTLY please... reason why many companies are not using Mattermost, is he lack of a stable VOICE INTEGRATION.
MM should invest in plugins integrating 3rd party.
xrz commented
+1 for this idea, the simplicity of murmur added to the sweet experience of mattermost would make my life so much easier
Anonymous commented
Hello there, really this is missingg on mattermost
please add audio channel like discord on mattermost !