Make search work as it should.
Currently, search is horribly broken for technical conversations. For example, given a post which contains a log message, such as:
PROBLEM srvnagios at is WARNING
A search for MYSQL will not show this as a result. This is, certainly, just an example and it's been relayed that this is by design due to a lack of support for preceding wildcards (which shouldn't be needed anyway). Simply typing MYSQL in the text box should return any string that contains MYSQL or mysql.

Carlos Ruiz commented
In our project iDempiere we use the chat a lot to talk about JIRA tickets, and we reference the tickets like for example IDEMPIERE-4076 - because that's the JIRA naming convention.
The horrible thing is that I cannot search for conversations about that specific ticket.
If I search the word "IDEMPIERE" the results of ALL conversations mentioning ALL tickets (including IDEMPIERE-4076) appear.
But, if I search "IDEMPIERE-4076" nothing appears, same if I search for example "*4076" or just "4076" - nothing.I think this is really a crippled way to search :-(