Limit number of times animated emoji will loop
When users have their mattermost window open all the time, animated emoji that are endlessly looping can be very distracting and annoying. If they paused after looping a set number of times, it would greatly improve the user experience for me.

Andrew Abernathy commented
I also voted for a related suggestion, but my preferred solution is the same: loop for a few seconds, then only when hovering over the relevant message.
Of course the "hover" bit generally doesn't apply on touch devices. I don't consider that a problem, but if it *is* considered a problem, then maybe scrolling could restart animations for couple of seconds?
justincase commented
Better yet would be to have them only loop if hovering over the message they're part of.
Hermione Granger commented
@Patrick BH let's use Hardware Acceleration for them
Ronald Weasley commented
I'm concerned this will limit the number of Parrots moving on my screen.
Patrick BH commented
These animated emoji take up a lot of CPU if left open on screen.