Send user name to end-points when interactive button was pushed
Currently, when interactive button was pushed, only user-id is sent to the end-points.
And this causes unnecessary operations on end-points side.
(need to search user name from user id via Web API of Mattermost)
It seems better to send some information such as / command sends.

Christian Nüssgens commented
Yeah, full ack! I'm missing this feature, too.
I wanted to implement a quick-poll slash handler where one could display which user voted for each option. In order to achive something like that my "dump" slash-command-handler would need an web-api connection, which would require additional - and imho unnecessary - configuration-overhead.
I just need _some_ display-name so that useres can distinguish each other.It would be very nice to have the `user_name`-string included in the JSON POST-content (in addition to `context`-object and `user_id`-string) whenever any user presses one interative button.
Just like `user_name` and `user_id` are included in the headers of the initial slash-command request