Allow Mattermost to pick up my availability status from other applications
I use Outlook and Jabber at the moment, and whilst I'm trying to push as much communication as possible to MM, there are times when this isn't possible. If i'm in a meeting, or on a call, it would be nice if MM could be notified of your status change and update your availability. It can be quite frustrating when you're presenting your desktop and you're getting popup notifications, MM should have the ability to figure this out and put me in DND.

Damiano Casula commented
A vote for MS Teams
Paolo Caimi commented
Also when "In a meeting" per Zoom status.
Samuel Paragreen commented
At a minimum it would be great if Mattermost could pick up my availability from my Outlook calendar, and set me to "Do Not Disturb" or perhaps a new status type "In a Meeting".
Peter Mahony commented
I'd add to this that it's frustrating for people who want to message me, when I can't reply because I'm in a meeting/call - but to them it looks like I'm online!
I'd add MS Teams as well as Outlook and Jabber.