Make Mattermost recognize jira links to show issue information
One thing you need the whole time when really working with Mattermost is pasting links from other applications like Jira. Because there is no tight integration, either the other person has to open the link all the time or I have to copy the issue title besides the link.
The only way I could solve this party was with a slash command (because it works for every channel) (
But it would be nice to extend the link parser (link preview) to be able to connect it to other applications....

Danny Wnek commented
/jira view is able to provide this information, but it requires the user to type the issue number rather than the readily accessible URL.
If we can't get Jira to automatically show issue info, can we at least get /jira view to be able to read the URL?
Anonymous commented
We recently converted from HipChat Server to Mattermost and we definitely miss this ability.
Anonymous commented
How about integrating mattermost-jira-info functionality in the built-in Jira plug-in?