Support 3rd Party Push Notification Services such as Pushy
Google Play Services and GCM is blocked in China. This means that users that are not on VPN cannot get push notifications. The only known workarounds that I know of are using a 3rd party Push Notification service such as Baidu ( or Pushy ( or to run your own push notification service. I wish I didn't have to make this suggestion, but MatterMost is severely crippled by this and I dont see the geopolitics changing anytime soon.

Raphaël commented
Raphaël commented
Somehow related: the mobile application currently bundles a specific Google GCM/Firebase key.
This implies that any other Mattermost instance (providing a difference push-proxy) needs a recompiled corresponding mobile application.The possibility to override google-services.json file at runtime would remove this burden making the official Mattermost mobile application ubiquitous and compatible with any other (push-enabled) instance.