make an admin be able to differ between inactive and disabled users
The problem of the current situation is, that an administrator yet is only able to set an user account status to "inactive". This means more a disabling of the user, because the user is in no longer able to log in. In fact, he is locked out.
It would be more appropriate to rename the status "inactive" to "disabled".
A new status "inactive" should be introduced where a user is in fact using the featureset of a "team edition". No license is acuired for this user and he doesn't get any push notifications anymore until he logs in again. By loggin in he could reactivate his Enterprise license and get back again all Enterprise features. This would extremly help saving licenses for Enterprise Customers if companies got a lot of users that do either not often use Mattermost or particular users of a Enterprise licensed server do not need the Enterprise features.
This feature would be rounded down by adding a batch job to the console that sets users to inactive automatically when they do not re-login to Mattermost within a to be specified time period.