Expand syntax highlighting in code blocks to more languages
Mattermost uses highlight.js (I think) - but bundles support for just a subset of languages. This reduces client side load times by limiting the amount of Javascript loaded.
This could be made configurable at run-time, so for those using for example scala or Powershell can get highlighting for their languages without impacting performance.
0xjac commented
I would love to see support for solidity. GitLab supports it just fine. It would be nice to have it for snippets on Mattermost too!
Anonymous commented
TypeScript please
eNca commented
I would like to see "Shell session" syntax highlighting support.
Jonathan Troyer commented
It would be great to import TextMate/VSCode syntax themes in general.
Ralf commented
+3 from me, we'd like to see Coq syntax highlighting. GitLab does it, so it is kind of funny to not also have it available in the integrated mattermost.
cp commented
Would love to see that made configurable, but there should be at least a few more,
PowerShell, Typescript, nginx, ini.... -
Malte Perenz commented
+1 C#
Semyon Khmelev commented
+1 Delphi, Pascal
Jamie Thomson commented
3 votes from me, I would really like to have PowerShell syntax highlighting available, I find myself posting a lot of PowerShell code and feel like a bit of pleb compared to my Linux/Java brethren :)