Support giphy integration as Slack does
Giphy lets you search from the world's largest library of animated GIFs, making it easy to find and share them on the web.
This integration will enable the /giphy slash command for your team. Search for a GIF using /giphy coffee time and the integration will display a relevant GIF in your channel.

Thank you for nominating the feature! It is now available in Mattermost v5.1!
Pableu commented
I wrote this integration using aws lambda and api gateway a few months back and we use it constantly at our company:
Maybe it's useful for somebody. If you have questions or problems, make an issue on GitHub.
Manuel commented
TKu commented
Any update on this?
@BoneSpike: any chance you can make your code public? Thx :) -
Christian Beier commented
@BoneSpike would you share your serverless integration?
BoneSpike commented
I wrote a quick-and-dirty serverless giphy integration (about 15 lines of code) - but a user asked to have a confirmation dialog on Giphy image selection (like slack - of course), as it's not uncommon for workplace inappropriate imagery to be returned. can we add an option for defining a slash command that adds an confirmation dialog (with preview) - this could be useful for other commands as well
Pierre Rudloff commented
There is also an alternative webhook implementation here:
Brian Vanderbusch commented
We have also been using matterbot for this and there is a giphy example in the matterbot repo:
Michael Prentice commented
Looks like there is a github project for this now:
Iworkwithcrazies commented
Waffles commented
Florian Chevallier commented
+1 !
Michael Mulligan commented
Perhaps we could generalize this more toward adding support for Incoming and Outgoing Webhooks and Slash Commands